OMAklubi Spordiklubi Uus-Veerenni studio is open to all those who want to train either independently or with a personal trainer in a cozy training studio. Thanks to the cooperation with Marko Kodud, the residents of Uus Veerenni can train in the studio especially low price but of course all current and future members and friends of the OMAklubi Spordiklubi are welcome.

What makes our Uus-Veerenni studio special?
Of course, a cozy environment in a beautiful room, but the people who stay and train in the club give life to the club. Wither you want to start with whole body training, supplement the training of your other sport with general body training or simply take a few moments of the day to be with yourself, you are always welcome at our studio!

In order for everyone to have a good time in the club, for us to understand the room sharing agreements (house rules) and for us to get to know each other in the room - all those who want to train in the Uus-Veerenni studio must come to us for a free first consultation.

How can you train with us?
  • The room is mainly intended for independent training - this can be done by OMAklubi members (for this, it is necessary to join our sports club and pay a membership fee, which allows you to use the club);
  • Our OMA trainers are available on an ongoing basis so that you can benefit from the training as much as possible, for this we also offer a program with SUPPORT WITH A TRAINER, which can be added to your package especially conveniently and cheaply.
  • However, if you want a trainer to personally guide you in training, either at the beginning of training or to be by your side constantly, then of course we also have several personal training packages in our selection, and of course it is possible to use personal training at the most affordable price as a member of the club.
A couple of important points:
  • The Omaklubi Uus-Veerenni studio membership package allows entry only to the Uus-Veerenni studio, but it is possible to purchase additional training sessions in our Luther strength room, e.g. for small group training sessions; 
  • Those persons who exercise in the Uus-Veerenni studio are full-fledged OMAs (ie members of the Omaklubi Spordiklubi) and all the same benefits are extended to them;
  • The membership package is personal and the accompanying rights and benefits cannot be transferred to other persons, nor can you bring other exercisers with you to the club (unless you are already a member of the Omaklubi Spordiklubi);
  • Only Omaklubi Spordiklubi trainers (OMAtrainers) can conduct trainings in the club, other coaches cannot be brought with them to the club.
  • Since the room is small, in order for everyone to have a good time training there, it is necessary to book the desired training time so that we can ensure sufficient space; 
  • The club room is open every day from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., so training must be calculated in such a way that the training is completed before the club closes;
  • Omaklubi Sportiklubi has the right to limit the use of the studio if necessary, e.g. by occasionally offering small group training sessions or organizing special events in the room. All club members will be informed of this by e-mail and notices on the studio wall in good time.
  • NB! In the room, each member of the Sports Club trains at his own risk, choosing exercises and loads that are suitable for him to ensure the safety of theirself, the room and other exercisers